
NekkyoMaster's avatar

Last Login: 01/04/2011 3:02 am

Registered: 03/12/2005

Gender: Male

Location: My house!

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This is what I am. Don't like it? Oh well.

Hey. All of you. Yeah, you. You know what? I'm an awesome video game guy who's 18 and plays CHILDREN'S CARD GAMES! Yu-gi-oh is awesome. If you don't like it... well you're crazy. Crazy guy.

Also, I'm really weird.

Aaaaaannnnnnnnd..... here's a comic! Go to my site to see the rest!

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Journal... I never use this thing.

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The Nekkyo files...

A little bit of my insanity and life in writing.

If you're cool, post here. If you don't, oh well not cool person

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baneace Report | 04/28/2010 9:20 am
oh yeah so your living by yourself or your whole family moved there?
baneace Report | 04/23/2010 4:05 pm
a lot
baneace Report | 04/21/2010 5:01 am
very true i thought you died.
Anti Angelix Report | 10/03/2009 1:37 pm
Anti Angelix
So send it in a pm. Or call me someday.
Anti Angelix Report | 09/20/2009 4:30 pm
Anti Angelix
Well, start from the bottom that way everything else just kind of... Falls into place..? Heheh. Some one needs a hug!
Anti Angelix Report | 09/10/2009 9:23 pm
Anti Angelix
Heheh. I hope not. He is a real douche. Hes trying to sue my boyfriend... Because hes jealous. (Billy is an ex) So. But tell me everything! I miss you so much Devon! its like... Been years since I saw you last!
Anti Angelix Report | 09/10/2009 6:33 am
Anti Angelix
He has some game that allows you to create levels. He enjoys that. So... Why not go all out? I myself find it interesting. My constant statement in regards to his major is "Dude! Your blind! you cant see that!" But I am proud of him. I mean, I always thought I couldnt amount to anything great because of my vision, but Mike (the blind lawyer), Billy (soon to be blind game designer), Mareo (the blind nurse), Nate (soon to be blind disk jockey)... You know... I underestimated the power of blind people. I am going to school to become an Adolescent Psychiatrist. Blind People Kick a**. biggrin
Anti Angelix Report | 09/07/2009 6:44 pm
Anti Angelix
Ah, Devon. you need a girl. You are jsut so lonely. Put Keith in a dress, he could pass, for now. XD Maybe. I have to come out to Visit Jen, Kim and Liz Yung, James Fancher, and possibly Caleb when I see Jen. So, if I ever come out there, i will make sure I put you on my list of visits. And I think You would have so much fun in Buffalo! ♥ All I know is that we must meet up sooner or later. I could put you up somewhere if you were to come out here. Or at least, i could try. Hahah. MM.. Oh well. Still ahve your hair? My friend is going to NCCC for video game design. Best part? He is blind. XD I have so many blind friends. XD Us blind folk tend to stick together. Like, me and my boyfriend have the same eye disorder. So, its awsome. Hahah. I piss him off so much when we go out in public. But it is so worth it.
Anti Angelix Report | 09/03/2009 2:19 pm
Anti Angelix
Ah, well that sounds like fun. You have animals? Are they tasty? :3 Yeah. i am about 6 hours out. You should come visit me! >_> XD <_< I dont know. I might ome out to visit some people in the 'burgh. Not sure if I actually will, and if I do, when. Come now Devon. get the lead out of your bum and get going. What are you going to do with your life? Care for animals? AAHHH! Did you ever get that girl? I dont know... That just randomly popped into my head. Who was she?! You never told me! Jerk.
Anti Angelix Report | 09/02/2009 7:45 pm
Anti Angelix
I am. I am currently attending Canisius College out in Buffalo, New York. Im about 30 minutes from Niagra Falls. Its cold. 3: Well, what have you been doing with your time?

Signature (edited this pic myself... from a youtube screenshot)

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9c44caf9ad DOOOOOOM!!!

Mal!No es bueno!Anti Bueno!

o rly?

ya rly

Oh yeah. I'm cool.

A person who has never played video games isn't really a person at all.

Ur 2 slow lol!