Hello Darling,I see that you seek to know about me, and this fact makes me so very happy, as such I shall indulge and tell you what you wish to know. Do read carefully and allow my little facts to fill the need you have. To start I have made a little list:
I am Pagan. Not Wiccan. I follow a path of old laws, old ways and of ritual,
something that I have spent years perfecting and honing. My Goddess is the Summer Harvest Goddess Hulfrieyja, an Old Romani Goddess from before Christianity.
I am 25 years old, been on Gaia since the founding but has lost my old account. I am not seeking romance.
I am a freelance Artist and do take requests. To see a sample simply PM me. I don't charge real money just Gaia gold or items.
Anything else not lists? Ask. I am always open for question, conversation, advice and so on. I simply exist to help!
Signed with Love and Hope,
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