Nameless Prince

Nameless Prince's avatar

Registered: 11/04/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/05

Occupation: b0x0rz-whore


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The Nameless Family

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[ .Nameless. ] Guild

for all to see
that people cant be called something
they are all
and unknown
but known now
and proud
- xXx3mo_Night_BunnixXx

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View All Comments

Nanashi Rezonansu Report | 04/04/2015 2:18 am
<< im not cute. you're cute.
Nanashi Rezonansu Report | 04/01/2015 1:10 am
did you call me cute on your profile <<
Nameless Seraphim Report | 03/24/2015 12:29 pm
heart heart heart heart
Nanashi Rezonansu Report | 12/03/2014 5:29 am
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
LD_Montana Report | 08/24/2014 1:33 am
I'll take it anyway...
LD_Montana Report | 08/24/2014 1:20 am
Thanks biggrin
tessyca Report | 08/11/2014 9:35 am
^_^ Welcome.
LD_Montana Report | 08/07/2014 8:25 pm
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LD_Montana Report | 08/07/2014 4:32 am
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LD_Montana Report | 08/06/2014 4:13 am

The Legend of Link

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

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Addiction: SKYRIM
To Do: Mass Effect 1-3


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Hey ♥ My name is Macy. I'm...ageless. hahaha. No, seriously. e.e I don't want strangers to know my age unless you know me personally or in the Nameless Guild. Booyah. I'm a girl. Fo' realz, man. Bewbies and all. I has a boyfriend, who's the cutest guy everrrrrr. Really. <.< >.> <.< Best not to let him see this profile. Love manga, anime, reading, art (of all kinds), technology, gaming (mostly RPGs), and muuuusssiiiicccc. My tastes are everywhere. Everything depends on my moods, especially in my day-to-day life.

I WAS a student. I finished college. Now I'm looking for a job and aiming to go back to school. I'm not always around anymore. I'm not really all that social anymore anyway. I have a serious/thoughtful side. Sometimes it gets so bad that I'm depressed and stressed. Since I tend to care and worry easily, I strive not to be brought down the many problems of the world. But like a gardener, I work at keep my friendships alive and healthy. If it weren't for my friends, my bf, and technology, I'd actually be dead right now.

Hum hum, if you're in serious need of talking to someone about your problems and want another perspective on what you should do, feel free to message me. Also, if you're looking for someone to make you an avatar (icon) or banner, feel free to message me too :-] I actually love making graphics like that. I've done icons for people on websites to layouts to logos to cider labels. I don't have a lot of time, but I do like to play around even with little things.

Thanks for reading all this!

F i n d m e ?
XBox Live: RainbowEntropy
Youtube: MacabrePrince

**NOTE: If you happen to find my facebook, I'm not adding anyone e.e

If you marry me,
Would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?

(So say goodbye) to the vows you take
(And say goodbye) to the life you make
(And say goodbye) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank.

-"To The End", My Chemical Romance

Hey! Wanna know a nifty thing?
User Image<<--- SEE THIS ICON?
Originally, this was made by me and uploaded some 5-6 years ago. It's pretty popular over the internet (or photobucket, but I seen it at some other places). ^_^ Cool, huh?


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by zeh Princey

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Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.

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