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-N4tUr4LlY_DiStUrBeD-'s avatar


Fake friends: Never ask for food.
True friends: Are the reasons you have no food.

Fake friends: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
True friends: Call your parents DAD/MOM

Fake friends: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
True friends: Would sit next to you saying "Damn ... we messed up ... but that s**t was fun!"

Fake friends: Never seen you cry.
True friends: Cry with you.

Fake friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
True friends: Keep your s**t so long they forget its yours.

Fake friends: Know a few things about you.
True friends: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

Fake friends: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
True friends: Will kick the whole crowds a** that left you.

Fake friends: Would knock on your front door.
True friends: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"

Fake friends: Are for a while.
True friends: Are for life.

Fake friends: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
True friends: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "B***h drink the rest of that you know we don't waste s**t."

Fake friends: Will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you.
True friends: Will knock them the f**k out.

Fake friends: Will read this.
True friends: Will steal this, just like I did


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i cooler than any of yall out there except for my friends hahahaha im kidding everyone just keep on being cool all the lame people at least try to be cool PEACE


View All Comments

Avimael Report | 11/13/2014 2:42 pm
booo!!!!! whee
Avimael Report | 06/30/2011 6:37 pm
I'm back!
Captain Blade Uzumaki Report | 04/18/2011 3:08 pm
Captain Blade Uzumaki
Happy Birthday
Peanutbutter__LICKER xD Report | 03/06/2011 10:40 am
Peanutbutter__LICKER xD
hey lolz whee
Avimael Report | 09/18/2010 7:49 am
hi!!!!!!!!!!!! whee
BlackFlameAgito Report | 08/17/2010 1:57 pm
cool avi
Avimael Report | 07/08/2010 8:05 am
burger king!!!
BlackFlameAgito Report | 07/06/2010 2:25 pm
idk lol
rawrr if you love Report | 07/04/2010 5:42 pm
rawrr if you love
xD idk
Captain Blade Uzumaki Report | 07/03/2010 1:53 pm
Captain Blade Uzumaki
lol okay


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rawrr if you love
I eat Y0UR poptarts

These two are my best guy friends :) ******** with them and i'll kick your a**. and that's a guarantee. :)

HEHE lol i put them on crosses. lol i don't think they'll notice so shhhh don't tell them!!!

these guys are pretty cool too! lol :D same rules apply though so don't mess with them

AWESOME CLUB IS ANYONE I PUT ON MY AWESOME PRO!!! lol (just made it up like a couple seconds ago) lol :D