
Dear Reader,

Mimzy Righton's the name, but you can just call me Mythoarchaeologotan . . . if you can wrap your tongue around it, that is. To be honest, I'd prefer 'Mimzy', but you know how business is.

I work at the Query City Museum Of Mythic History, and hold an archaeologist's position. Unlike a good many of my peers, I have no formal experience as an adventurer (you know, a Role-Playing Game protagonist), but I've managed to scrape my way through with little but my wits and a bit of handy gear left behind by my predecessors.

For those of you who are wondering, yes I am a fictional character, but don't let that stop you from referring to me as if I were real -- I might as well be one, for all that I've accomplished.

I'm currently here on Gaia to hunt down some rare and exciting treasures for the Museum, and I hope to make a significant dent in the Animated populace while I'm at it -- who knew being in a Role-Playing Game could be so fun?

Hoping you'll have a good time on Gaia,
- Mimzy Righton