
I'm a girl, ofcourse xP. I enjoy many things. I am interested in nature. Especially air and water. one of my hobbies is to stare at the clouds in a quiet place and point out what they look like to me. I enjoy anime tooo much, not really enjoy, more like addicted lmao. i love angels, doesnt matter light or dark, though i prefer light a little more and Kitsunes or Nekos! They are adorable!Although im a dog person lol. i'm obsessed with asians, especially japanese, chinese, and korean. i can draw, yea i admit, im good xD lol. my nickname i prefer you calling me (if you dont know my real name) is hikaru. i get hyperactive when i miss my sleep and start laughing out of nowhere. I crave for food a lot, but i dont gain weight(O_O yes, i dont).
A bit weird arent i? lol
I am a die hard YAOI FAN, especially when it comes to NARUTO!!! It started last year...no, two years ago. I have read a lot of stories of them and i have a creative mind when it comes to that twisted
Its not only naruto, there are other anime that comes to my mind.
If you dont know, Yaoi is malexmale.
haha lol

I have many favorite pairs that i forget some of their names xD Dont feel like listing them lol But the very first is SasuxNaruxSasu whee

If you think this is weird, so what. Im proud to be a fan!
I daydream about it everyday lol. I think about how to torture my future husband(that is if i will have one lol...but its too far from now, that's for sure) xd i guess you can call me a sadist(not to the extreme though lol). Even though, the genre of a manga or anime is not yaoi or shounen ai, i pair up guys LOL. I have read SO MANY and bookmarked SO MANY lol!!! Yes i do get perverted at times, almost everyone i know knows that. But hey, everyone does get perverted too. dont try to hide that lol. i'll find out! roflol.

dramallama <----Haha lol that looks wrong xD
Oh! My name's Jeffannie by the way xP
Hobbies:drawing, sleeping, reading, using/surfing the web, playing the violin, run, sports, exercise, daydream, listening to music, dancing, collecting anime/cosplay items
Interests:anime/manga, drawing, violin, sports, tech, japanese/chinese/korean stuff, math, dancing, outdoor activities, running
Music:BigBang, Suju, SS501, DBSK/TVXQ, Wang lee hom, UVERworld, Aquatimez
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main rp characters:Note: I have more, but they have not been used yet. Their names are in japanese style. So therefore their first name are last.
Ex: Japanese: Mori Kou English: Kou Mori Highlight -->p l e a s e____N o____t a k e y =]Name: Mori Kou
[x] [x] Age: 18
Gender: Male
Name: Maeda Satoshi
[x] [x] Age: 19
Gender: Male
Name:Aoki Tarou
[x] Age: 20
companion: Inari
[x] Name:Hattori/Akechi Kei
[x] [x] Age:17
Name:Akechi/Hattori Ryo
[x] [x] Age:17

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