smile my name is chrissol pronounced like this (kris-soul,) lol just for those who don't know how to say it
smile ok well let me start off by just giving you the basics:
i'm 16 years old.
yup i'm a youngen ;D
i LOVE video games
i play all types. sims, zelda,final fantasy,fable, heavy rain.
name it i prolly played it. lol
i also like reading manga and watching anime.
i also draw a bit. i'm an ameteur sculptor lol
i have a dog named tippy who i love with all my heart.
i have an older brother and a younger brother.
i live illinois.
i'm an overall happy person. i'm easy to get along with
smile want to get to know me ? add me
wink The person behind the screen
dnt like this well....idc
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