Okay!! basically i know this about myself: I write poetry i have low confidence im terrible with boys...im a girl (if ya couldnt figure that out) Umm im very artistic i draw ,write, sing, dance (if im in a good mood and none's watching) and act im very dramatic and make every problem i ever face bigger than it is. i have two dogs i love ma family!!! i have friends and umm ohh i like rock music i'll list some bands but otherwise...i to lazy last thing i do not use any good grammar skills i mispell wards no periods or caps...(obviously) so if u don't hate my very being and is trying to plot a way to destroy me horribly as we speak please feel free to leave a comment! ^ ^
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2.) i don't care wutsoever C: so good for you JERKface.
that reminds me, do u still hav my picture? Micky~IGYUMS!!
dun dun dun dun BWAAAA~