Munchkin Sprinkles
Birthday: 04/19
Can't fool anyone here.
Loves California.
Facebook and MySpace.
Digits, don't be shy to ask for them.
I'm straight. I don't want any girls hitting on me, kay?
You perv - Hell yes. U MAD?
I can talk to you for hours if I have to. You couldn't even grab your subway sandwich. Oh, yes, I went there.
I can agrue with you and you'd be pwned, but I hate it as much as Santa Claus hates it.
Computers, videogames, TV, DS or any electronics are my parties.
Overall, I'm a nice, engertic, shy person. I can be talkative if you are an awesome person, but if you are boring as hell, I'm not talkative. I take the negative stuff out and the positive comes in. Feel free to message me if you want to chat - I don't bite... Hard. (;
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