Hello, gentlman and ladies. you have come across the most delightful and sexy person ever to live. congratulations!i am weird, and enthusiastic, and a bit crazy. I have mental prolems
and i bet your thinkng i may be metally retarded, but im not, just the normal, teenage sortof thing. I am a drama queen, im not gay. i just dont know what you would call it if your a guy, and not gay O.o anywhoo, i oww kudos, to a certain lady, MOLLY! i havent been on here in forever and i havent been on the computer actually!
so now im back, you may comment, or pm, or im or whatever! I WILL ANSWER!: D
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Pfft, thanks. razz
I hope you get back on ]:
It's kinda funny, the longer I don't talk to you the more I feel like I need you around.
O: <
[x <3
Like omg I can't take it.
I totally wanna rip your throat out. <3
That's how crazy jealous I am.
001000 barton 2 o: