Most Tsundere Senpai

Most Tsundere Senpai 's avatar

Last Login: 02/15/2025 6:26 pm

Registered: 10/09/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Spira

Birthday: 05/04/1989

I'm naked without these!



In all my years of being a nerd, I have collected so many video games, anime and books. While my biggest past time at the moment is playing games such as Skyrim, Final Fantasy and Mass Effect, I still find time to look for new anime titles. I do enjoy reading manga and I love to compare the differences between the adaptations on screen. My wonderful obsession with all things nerd has introduced me into the world of cosplay. Since moving back to the States, I find it hard to make friends that share my interest in such fantasy. With cosplay and thankfully, anime conventions, it has been somewhat easier. Lately I have been trying to design my own costumes for some characters that don't have such costumes. Such as Meiko, from the Vocaloids, in a Meltdown costume or a Gunner Lenne, from Final Fantasy X-2. Although I seem to be stuck on this site trying to find the perfect cosplay of a Lady Sephiroth!

Quest Items

All the Hymn of Faith items.

Dark | Destructive | Gentle | Hymn | Infernal
User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Hymn | Princess | Twilight | Demure| Vile
User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Bubbly | Galaxy | Ember | Glacial | Robust
User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Azura | Luminous | Citrus | Fallen
User Image User Image User Image User Image
Items Collected so Far:

User Imagex4
User Imagex2
User Imagex2
User Imagex1
User Imagex2
User Imagex1
User Imagex1
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User Imagex1

My Lovely Donators!

All Praise Cthulhu
The Golden Boleyn
Infinite Echoes

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Champiri Report | 07/03/2017 7:01 pm
OTL I am so sorry for that double comment! Gaia gave me another notification for your comment on my profile and I thought it was new. My bad! sweatdrop
Champiri Report | 07/03/2017 6:15 pm
Thank you so much!! Only the small pixel with the colorful squares is based off of an avi. Everything else is art of my OCs. 3nodding
Champiri Report | 06/29/2017 4:27 pm
Sorry for the late reply! I didn't want to bump a dead thread. rofl

The small pixel with the changing color squares is actually based off of an avi. Avi and matching pixel art. Everything else is just art of my OCs. 3nodding
Kyoko_Starr Report | 05/02/2017 7:46 am
So agree ^_^
Kyoko_Starr Report | 04/29/2017 9:32 am
Oh my, that very Sephiroth of you heart wink
Red Arse Report | 04/22/2017 1:43 am
Red Arse
Madame Red avi, yes? That's so rad!
Nari Rebel Report | 03/07/2016 9:36 pm
Nari Rebel
Thank you for buying, have a great day!
I Stole Your Waifu Report | 03/06/2016 7:50 pm
I Stole Your Waifu
*Grabs hand before you run off.*

Now, now. That wasn't very nice.
I Stole Your Waifu Report | 03/06/2016 2:55 pm
I Stole Your Waifu
I've always wanted a tsundere waifu.
Greed Over Need Report | 03/01/2016 9:50 pm
Greed Over Need
nice avi

My Stalkers.

Tempest Lorelay on 08/21/2020
m3g4t0ky0 on 02/08/2020
Pkmn_Trainer_Chito on 11/13/2019

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Crush Page

~Your Cosplaying Senpai~

Imgur is the way to go!Here~!


From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Seeing you around the halls,
Oh how my heart does race,
To see my gorgeous senpai
And her proud tsundere face

If I could be by your side,
I'd always be your kouhai,
I-it's not that I like you! /blush
The Most Tsundere Senpai!

Questing Avi Art!

Photobucket is being stupid... So I moved it all to Imgur, Link is here~!

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