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Information you don't really need to know.

So, I'm a female in my late teens. I'm a lacto-vegetarian, which means I don't eat meat or eggs. But I do eat fish. I'm a liberal democrat, raised in a household of conservative republicans, all of whom refer to me as a 'bleeding heart liberal'. You can imagine how much fun it is for me when my family starts talking about politics.

Anyway, I was born and raised Christian, and am very touchy about insulting religion. I cannot stand religious intolerance, and I swear I will slap you through the internet if you insult a religion.

I'm hoping to one day become a doctor, more specifically a cardiologist. My goal is to study medicine at the university of Dundee, in Scotland.

I currently am living in Florida of the USA, so it seems slightly far fetched, especially since I most definitely will be needing a scholarship in order to afford going there.

My hobbies are writing and drawing. I'm still practicing with a tablet I got recently, so it'll be a while before I spit out any amazing digital art.

That's all I can think of for now.

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The words of mai worshipers.

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Ocoo Report | 08/08/2010 9:05 am
cool avi
Oghren Report | 03/29/2010 11:59 am
Wouldn't be the first time I had a girl rolling on the floor.

Am I winking? It feels like I should be winking...
V e e b i s h Report | 02/25/2010 8:40 pm
V e e b i s h
I see, well thanks for telling me ^^
Lovely avi
V e e b i s h Report | 02/23/2010 10:22 pm
V e e b i s h
Random comment~
I love your siggy picture of Peyo o;
Was that in the Animal quackers?
Kanisaga_Sanza Report | 02/21/2010 1:13 pm
I don't really remeber you so I will comment to try to bring back memories...
So who are you?
Kanisaga_Sanza Report | 02/21/2010 1:10 pm
I don't really remeber you so I will comment to try to bring back memories...
So who are you?
velchanos Report | 01/25/2010 9:28 pm
I saw your signature and went 'AWWW'.
OrrinTheDarkpaladin Report | 01/24/2010 3:10 pm
Thankyou for your comments in the fourm I also had a medievil knight avi awhile back that people almost always mistook for a set and condeemed it.
PrincessEv Report | 01/13/2010 6:01 pm
Thanks. :3
Conan The Barbie Doll Report | 01/13/2010 10:18 am
Conan The Barbie Doll
Ah! I saw that item in your equipped list and I wondered. biggrin Thanks!

Yep, it's definitely a cult! I saw a video on it one time, and apparently they've actually had peopled KILLED for leaving the cult and bashing afterwards. And there was one guy in a Scientologist family who was Schizophrenic. The family took him of of his anti-psychotics and he killed his whole family. User Image

Satanism is another religion I don't understand..Both LaVeyan and Luciferian... It seems to me that all it is is making a religion out of self-indulgence. neutral


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Fluffy Floof on 02/23/2024

Your resource for stalking meh. o.~

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