
I am a pretend guy, that...uh...comes around...and, uh...
Gets run over by a lawnmower blade!

No, but seriously, I'm Ian. I know my S/N says I'm Josh, but I'm Ian. Not sure why...couldn't think of anything that rhymed with Ian, I guess.

For those of you who don't know (which is probobly most of you) I love to RP. Yeah, call me a geek, whatever you want. But it's how I escape the harsh boredom of reality.

Anyway, I gots to go. Peace out.


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


Everybody Dance Now!

Woof woof, I'm a cow!

Random blurbs of randomness.



Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

The CoLouR Blo0

Report | 06/05/2006 2:25 pm

The CoLouR Blo0

lol! hiyaz!! tiz me ur newest friend!!!woot!>.<

Report | 04/17/2006 12:06 am


Hi cool person! Prepare to be commented on...
Corbenik the Rebirth

Report | 11/01/2005 8:21 pm

Corbenik the Rebirth

Hey, Ian. About time, man. How's Nevada treatin' ya? Hit me back.


Dream me. Donations would be rockin' to the max.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.