My name is______.(ask meh) I live in Hawaii. My nationalities are Filipino and Chinese. My favorite color is Yellow! My friends in real..well, i have a lot...I'm to lazy to put the kind of music i like.... i'm always bored....talk to meh anytime in a pm or comment...lol...^.^
i play the clarinet, i sorta play piano, i love to cook and bake and i play volleyball!
don't ask meh to donate cuz i'm only going to ignore you...(only friends in real)
btw... i hate the Ukulele, Homework, candy haters, loud mouth people, baseball, football, when people write________w/hea, kaisa ishikawa(stupid b***h), when there's dirt under my nails, chain letters, soda, cake/cupcakes, When pepole say Sad ur life,
I love candy!!! yummy! I always eat candy! yum! yum! candy is my 24/7 candy=life
I love to eat candy, cook, bake, play volleyball and the clarinet...crud i already said that...oh well... and i love arizona sweet tea!!!
hmmmm....I'm really bored....and hungry or thirsty...idk...ttyl
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