My World
Hello one and all!!
I suppose you would like to know a bit about me eh? Well If not, that's okay, just don't keep reading
razz The whats and hows of Gigi-
- 22 years of age and awesome (have to be positive right?)
-I like all kinds of music... don't ask me to pick a favourite band, because I am indecisive and won't be able to.
- I have two cats... one I strongly believe was the devils cat in another life. I love her all the same though
- I like to think I'm musically talented... a little, not a lot. You know musical kid, band nerd, even played in festivals, but according to one of my profs I have an Id just dying to break free 0_o
- I write... a lot. 'nuff said.
- I am a Canadian and darn proud of my beaver toting heritage
- I don't like cheese... Unless it is on something.
- Strawberries = LOVE!
- I'm a university graduate...catching up on lost sleep...
- I am educated in the ways of psychology. (Woo for degree's right?)
-I like comments, so comment away!
- I like a lot of other things, even you. Have a cookie!
- Bilingual in the two national languages in Canada... English and French
- Salsa (dancing not the fantastic dip) = joy <3
- I like to RP. Usually in the forums but you can try to persuade me to do so over PM's.
I Love meeting and chatting with new folks, so don't be shy.
The Craziness that is Gigi
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Mistress Gigi's Domain of the weird and nutty.
I love to write. Here you'll find poems, parts of stories, randomness, and rants. I'll write anything and everything, even put my favourite song lyrics on here just for the heck of it. Comments are more than welcomed :D
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PS - emotion_drool You better catch it!