.:My Gaia character is based off of Jin, from Yu Yu Hakusho:.
Jin is a wind manipulating demon-shinobi Yusuke meets and fights during the Dark Tournament. He specializes in both wind based attacks and sheer speed. In his past he worked as a mercenary in a shinobi sect of Makai, but he grew bored of it and ventured to find a more enjoyable way of life. Never letting his losses get to him Jin always strives to reach his dreams with optimism and great determination.
[read more] I like roleplaying, usually available for offers. I frequented Gaia Aquariums, and Gaia Community Discussion, but now days I mostly stay in my own hangout thread. I am creator of Gaia's YYH Club. I've been a member of Gaia Online since February 2005 but switched to this account on February 20th, 2008. Feel free to leave comments here, I do my best to reply.
Flighty Thoughts
Fly away with the whirlwind~!
Journal of the Wind Master
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