*You enter a strange door, as you move forwards, deeper into the dark and evil lair, the doors slam shut behind you! You are now... trapped.*
*As you wander aimlessly, you hear a sudden maniacle laughter*
Ahahahahah! It appears you have stumbled upon my dark and EVIL lair!
-*Ralphy, dinner's ready!*-
MOM! I told you to NEVER interupt me when i'm in my secret evil lair! D;
-*Hurry up sweetie, your dinner is going cold!*-
:Sigh: Coming mother...
>_> We will discuss your fate later.
If you would like to know more about me then I
guess i'd be willing to fill you in... Just send a PM and i'll see what I can do.
I know as an Evil Genius, it can be hard to read all the fanmail I get...
Computer Voice: You have 0 Messages.
Mommy makes poptarts before my shift starts at Walmart.
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