i'm a mushroom, a sushi and a cow... all at the same time dramallamaREbellious MUshroom something something don's fault, Problem?
Sex: Girl
Religion: I can't decide. I'd like to think I'm atheist, but it's nice to think of afterlife. I believe that once you die in one life, you regenerate as something else. Not in accordance to what you did in the previous life. I believe you don't have a choice of what you do though, I think life is set out and played out in a continuous loop. It's only your lifespan that changes the length of the loop.
Notes: I DON'T LIKE BAND-AIDS! I believe band-aids are a conspiracy. It's a thing of the mind. It only feels better because you think the band-aid is healing you... all it does it keep it protected from dirt. I could just use stickytape instead for a 10th of the price.
And that's what grinds my gears
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Piggy are so cute >3