
Hiya my names Memorie but most people that i know just call me mem.
I have a lot of great friends they just really see me as a really alsome preson....yea i have people who dislike me but i dont give a care anyways i like a lot of things like im really into anime and music....i love writing,reading and just doing all sorts of stuff not to much of a sports person though
One thing i really love about me is that i really be creative, also i just a nach knowing what some people are going to say and i can realate to some people a lot and im not judgemental like most people in this world. What i really want in life is... to try to make the world a better place somehow...HEH i really dont know how i gonna do that though.
Avi art :

Dream avi 27:

Total Value: 3,886,900 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Ascended Demon
Secret Sparkles
The Moon (Mewn Mew!)
Siren Song
Swan Song
Compass of Seidh 3rd Gen
Compass of Seidh 2nd Gen
Angelic Lace
Gogh Reed
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I'm talking about the pairings or whatever the ******** it is!