Meghan Mayhem's info

Adult Swim, 'Angel' perfume, art, blue, cats, cheesy Halloween decorations, coloring books, horror movies, fake blood, fast food, frustrating people, innocence, Kids In The Hall, killer robots, literacy, MAC makeup, museums, offensive jokes, orchestras, peircings, Scrubs, scars, sexual tension, sexual innuendos, stars, sushi, tattoos, Tenacious D, winters, zombies, using big words at ackward times, movies that keep me guessing and make me think, live shows that give me goosebumps, the eternal search for my non-existant soul mate, laughing at you, laughing at myself.

being touched by strangers, bros and bro chicks, chatterboxes, collagen lips, drug users, ebonics, Hawthorne Heights, lack of interest, mis-education, possums, protesters, 'reality' TV, sex forums, standing in lines, summers, vegans, yellow, uncomfortable silences, people who don't leave messages, the necessity to feel loved, people who thought 'Napoleon Dynamite' was hilarious