MiiZZ N3RD's avatar

Birthday: 03/19

TLk tew mehhh ;oo

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Whut I roqk everydaii ;)


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2o,ooog / 18o,ooog

If I am pretty send me a trade with 50g in it (;
You said I was pretty: 0 Times! Meanies ~___~"

Dating iYoungThug heart (:


MiiZZ N3RD's placeeee

I am the one they call, MiiZZ N3RD.
For short call me N3RD.
If you want information on me, read below.

Name: Casey
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Currently: Single ;D
Looks Like: I have light brown hair, and glasses. I have brown eyes, I'm 5.2. I am skinny, I like to dress gothic or tight ;].
Likes: My family, my friends, myself, my school, my life, gaia, Meez, zOMG, Fishing, drawing, writting, listing to music, playing video games, watching T.V, using the computer, and being myself!
Dislikes: My sister >.>, certain foods, ugly people, n00bs, people at school, posers, idiots, stuck up people, math, iCarly, viruses, people who think they are the world, people who demand, whoever gets the nickname of "Mindless Retarded Child" xD Random!

I AM VERY RANDOM! I like cows, and words such as Muntalsquash.
I speak a little bit of spanish, but only the basic stuff.
I just finished 6th grade, going on 7th.
I have a wonderful life, even though I regret it, I still love it!

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-These are pictures of me! heart

If your still reading, thank you!

Leave a komment!

Baii! <3

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Whut I postt :D

Posts per Day: 0.24

Total Posts: 1420

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My stalkers ;P

bunhxle on 02/01/2021


View Journal

J & J : The Jake and Jessie Show

This is a show I came up with, for your entertainment. (THIS IS BASED ON A REAL STORY) Main Characters : Jake, Jessie, Sammy, Connie

Leave sum Luvv

View All Comments

Xx_Logoleptic_xX Report | 07/07/2010 10:11 pm
Nfw n3rd! :3
~ Logo ~
skate king6 Report | 09/19/2009 4:12 pm
skate king6
y is um ur name mizz nerd is that cuz ur a retard or something
skate king6 Report | 09/16/2009 3:02 pm
skate king6
ima cant tell u babe jk realy jk whispers not
Colourful C a s e y s Report | 09/14/2009 5:49 pm
Colourful C a s e y s
This account was abondand.
If you want to talk to her,
Look up C a s e y -- o u o.
cranky casey Report | 09/05/2009 8:10 am
cranky casey
hey my names casey, your bfs a noob and your a cutie patooties
redbull_is_mi_drug Report | 08/16/2009 5:40 am
HOW OLD U?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
iYoungthug Report | 08/13/2009 8:11 pm
hay go to Eminem on my play listes
iYoungthug Report | 08/13/2009 7:35 pm
best songs ever part 1
iYoungthug Report | 08/13/2009 7:32 pm
the 1 with halo in it
iYoungthug Report | 08/13/2009 7:30 pm
im goin to your playlist
Cooty Queen
M a n d y -- o u o

<--- Tiss bhe my daughter!

Lols!! xD

And her BF Cody! --->


<-- Tis be Logo.
Logo is a guitar.
I play him all teh time.

**Lyrics to Hold me like a microphone**

Hold me like a microphone,
turn me on and off, and make me say
It's magic, Yes it's magic to me.
Hold me like a air guitar, run your fingers up my neck and play
It's magic, Yes it's magic to me.
Hold me like the keyboard notes, You been practicing for days,
And hope that someday you'll be on your way.
I always see you in the front row,
your eyes are wide as the television screen.
Telling the story of my, Oh so Instant fame.
And maybe you'll be on the guest list,
And i will meet you after the show.
In the parking lot next to the,
Super eight Hotel.
Hold me like a microphone,
twist and turn me anyway you wan, Say it's magic.
Yes, it's magic to me.
Hold me like a tambourine,
Shake shake shake.
So everybody sees, you're the only one for me.
Hold me like a crash cymbal,
Pound me til your out of breathe.
And now it's over,
Time for someone new.
I hope I hope I hope, Your singing along.
I hope I hope I hope, Im turning you on.
I wish I wish I wish, I could just stop.
But this what it takes, to string you along.
I hope I hope I hope, You're singing along.
I hope I hope I hope, I'm turning you on.
I wish I wish I wish, I could just stop.
But this is what it takes, to string you along.
I always see you in the front row,
your eyes are wide as the television screen.
Telling the story of my, Oh so Instant fame.
And maybe you'll be on the guest list,
And i will meet you after the show.
In the parking lot next to the,
Super eight Hotel.
I always see you in the front row,
your eyes are wide as the television screen.
Telling the story of my, Oh so Instant fame.
And maybe you'll be on the guest list,
And i will meet you after the show.
In the parking lot next to the,
Super eight Hotel.
Hold me like a microphone
Hold me like a microphone
Hold me like a microphone
Hold me like a microphone

<-- Mah Sis ;3

My BIFFLE!! (Bffl) xD