Mii Monkey

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Gender: Animal

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cell-killer on 09/01/2023
Bottom_ Of_Pandora on 03/29/2020


Walks in and looks around a bit before noddingin approval. Looks in your direction "oh! Hi!" Waves at you excitedly "So you have come to learn a little bit about Mii ne?" Giggles a bit and smiles at you broadly "Yay!"


Blinks "any way....I have two older sisters, three younger sisters, and a brother the same age. My favorite colour is green and I absolutely Love anime and Manga. I write my own fanfiction and I am very much an artist. If it can be drawn I'll draw it."

Twirls happily "I can't wait to start posting avi art and such! Unfortunatly I don't know how I is going to do it....I'm not too good with computers...."

Thinks for a bit and then claps hands "I love sports too! Any sport! All sports! I is very active!"

Nodds "Ooo and I love to write poems too....I have nearly mutilated all of the known christmas charols and almost all of my poetry is kinda....depressing. Don't ask me why but most good poems are depressing and that is just how mine turn out!"

Looks at you seriously "And I must tell you the secrets of life now....A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand....a paper cut really isn't the worst kind of pain (hehehe I knows how to use thumb screws)... and you can't cross the pink pinapple river without a purple pickle...."

Nodds happily and turns to leave "but we all must remember the TRUE golden rule....Do onto others before they do onto you...then run."
Dissapears with a pop leaving behind only the echo of those world changing words.



View All Comments

actiniumCatalan Report | 12/11/2018 5:41 am
Thanks for buying! Enjoy! biggrin
Princess Dragonlady Report | 12/09/2018 9:40 pm
Princess Dragonlady
thank u 4 buying at my store cat_smile
iPeppermint Pop Report | 09/27/2012 10:26 pm
iPeppermint Pop
Thank you for your purchase
XDLaughsXD Report | 02/25/2012 6:12 am
▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓ copy to 5 profiles then click F5 for 500,000gg
Puff Batty Luv Report | 02/21/2012 12:09 am
Puff Batty Luv
Ahaha I'm so sorry! I'm probably going to keep my current, but I will message you if I ever change it.
Puff Batty Luv Report | 06/27/2011 11:20 pm
Puff Batty Luv
Haha I know I'm changing my name a lot XD. Not really good one actually and cyber life seems a bit more interesting than real life would ever be
Puff Batty Luv Report | 06/26/2011 6:36 pm
Puff Batty Luv
Hey monkey! Its me. I know you wouldn't recognize me but my past names were Sakura Keltera and The Eternal Fire Princess
cell-killer Report | 11/07/2010 12:50 am
hehe hope every thing works out
cell-killer Report | 11/07/2010 12:27 am
Hey there what's new
Tila Tequila Mockingbird Report | 11/05/2010 2:54 am
Tila Tequila Mockingbird
BL time skipped ♥ Hope to see your characters around soon!


[i:540bdc4cdf]I know you [b:540bdc4cdf][u:540bdc4cdf]look[/u:540bdc4cdf][/b:540bdc4cdf] with your eyes...


...But do you really[b:540bdc4cdf][strike:540bdc4cdf] see [/strike:540bdc4cdf][/b:540bdc4cdf]? [/i:540bdc4cdf]
