
mightynameofjesus's avatar

Last Login: 05/16/2024 4:41 am

Gender: Female

Location: In a hidden kingdom in the atlantic

Birthday: 11/20

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Personal Information
Name: Friyah
Full Name: Friyah Amnel
Nickname(s): Fri
Alias's: Confessor
Personal Inventory
Jewelry Worn : a necklace with a container containing a nightwisp
Items of Interest: none at the moment
Personal Gear:
Weapons Used or On Hand: daggers, bow and arrow,

Personality: She is , persisant,but also kind,and willing to help those in need hard working,strong willed to the point of stubbornness, clever to the point of deviousness, outgoing, unpredictable She is a very passionate person, with a strong conviction. When she makes a friend. She will stick up for them no matter. .She is not very trusting of people. She is very cautious of any one and appears stand offish. She was raised to be cautious of people she doesnt know. Her strong wil usually tends.quick to snap, but has a nice outgoing sound only shown to those close to her, and she doesnt fight people who she deems unworthy unless she is training them
History: It is unknown as of now
Physical Stats
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Race: African American
Ethnicity: European/Egyptiaon
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Martial Status: Single
Height: 5'11
Hair Color: black
Hair Style: wavy
Skin Color: light brown
Eye Color: blue
Other Markings/Features:
Personal Interests and Skills
Likes:+getting my way
+learning new things
+shh thats a secret
Dislikes: -not getting my way
-chosen ignorance
-loud conceited and obnoxious people,
useless fighting,
Favorite Foods: anything else
Least Favorite Foods: vegatables
Favorite Colors: pink, and hello
Least Favorite Colors: black,and purple

Skills:sword combat, archery
Fears:that some one will use her to do horrible things,and she won't be able to say no
Hobbies: singing,reading,writing

Powers and Personal Weaknesses

Truthful Gaze:She has the ability to tell if anyone is lying just by looking at them

Confessor touch: If a person can touch a person, she can release her power at the speed of though. After having been touched, a person lost his or her sense of self and would do anything and everything demanded by the Confessor.
One of the drawbacks of the Confessor's magic was the fact that after its application, However after release she becomes physically weak and requires time for recovery before her power and strength are regain. How quickly a confessor recovers after this as well as the level of her control is solely based on the strength of her magic which is why the fact that It only takes Friyah 2 hours to regain her power and strength this fact lead her to becoming the mother confessor after Kahlan.

Con Dar: the Con Dar originates in vengeance and hate once released; there is nothing the Confessor can do to suppress the Con Dar. The Power of Con Dar can’t be used for a confessor’s personal gain, and can only be invoked on the behalf of a loved one of the confessor. After having entered into this once she can only do it again in defense of the person whom it was initially entered for. The Con Dar's primary function makes the absolute protection or vengeance of this person the ultimate goal of the Confessor. The Confessor becomes irrevocably fixated on it. She therefore usually ends up taking radical or irrational measures that kill her before the Con Dar finishes its course. The Con Dar also equips the Confessor with further magical powers that aid her on her quest of protection or vengeance. The need for physical contact to administer the Confessor's touch is eliminated, as is the recovery period needed to recharge the power the Confessor can also confess multiple people at once, as well as having increased strength and endurance all Confessors, can also conjure blue lightning while in the Con Dar.

Through direct eye-contact if a vampire is new or through voice-tricks or sheer presence if one is an older master, a vampire can capture the mind of his target and hold them in a hypnotized state where they are not aware what is going on. This is a skilled art rather than a thing of brute power – elegance instead of strength. It is through mind-rolling that vampires can seem to disappear or move across large distances in an instant. Once more, animators, necromancers, sorcerers, and alpha lycanthropes have partial or full immunity to this ability.

Adolesence- can use voice tricks to hold the mind but it wears off after awhile and the victim is still aware of what is going on
Young Adult - can use voice tricks and their prescence barely and the victim is confused
Adult - can use voice tricks and their prescence and it works with both, but still better with voice tricks and the victim is confused and disoriented
Elder.- can use voice tricks and their prescence however seeing how powerful they are their prescence is usually used and the victim is completely unaware of whats going on
Dream Walk
The Masters of Dreams now can enter ones mind in their sleep and waking hours. [aka Daydreams]..this ability will work will in their waking or death hours. They CAN manipulate the dreams, and they CAN communicate with the dreams occupant. BUT even thou they can alter the dreams course, they CANNOT KILL at this level but you can cause minor injuries, such as bruising or small lacerations, ie surface wound.

Young Adult -can enter but only observe for 2 post
Adult - can enter observe and experience for 3 post
Elder.- can use this as a way of communication for 5 posts
with a 3 post cooldown

Amplify Emotions
-The Young Vampire may hieghten a single emotion in their vicitims, that is currently presence dominating the others and causing the person to react accordingly.

Elementrary - can heighten emotion 15% higher and their victim can notice. They are also limited to one person.
Adolescence- can heighten emotion 30% higher and their victims might notice if they are powerful.
Young Adult -- can heighten emotion 45% higher and their victims might notice if they are powerful.
Adult- can heighten emotion 60% higher and be unnoticed.
Elder.- - can heighten emotion 75% higher and be unnoticed..

Animal to Call:
Many Master Vampires possess the ability to call a certain animal and lycanthropes that share that beast. Through this ability, a Master Vampire can control animals and lycanthropes as his puppets. It is possible for a Master Vampire to be able to call an animal to which there is no lycanthrope – one Master Vampire in the series could call butterflies and another could call bats, for example. A strong alpha lycanthrope can fight the call of a Master Vampire, potentially protecting both himself and his people. It is important to note that not all Master Vampires have an animal to call – Being able to call more than one animal is even rarer, and only related animals are able to be called – for example, leopards and lions or bats and rats. It would be impossible to call both a snake and a bear, for instance. One Master Vampire possessed the unique ability to call ghosts, but the ability was just that – unique and one of a kind.
For the purposes of our room, the ability to call more than one (even related) breed of animal will be considered a prime power, which is defined at the bottom of this page. Keep in mind that if a Master Vampire calls a certain lycanthrope group against their will, it can signify an act of war, possibly ending in the death of the Master Vampire – or giving him a group of servants.

Adolescence- can call 1 animal of one breed
Young Adult - can call 2 animal of one breed
Adult - can call any amount of two breed
Elder.- can call any amount of the same family
Weaknesses: because of this,she cant be with the one she loves or her love my completely change him,and if she has a male child she must kill him so he wont become victim to his bloodlust


all credit goes to http://sot.wikia.com/wiki/Con_Dar for the info


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The life of the Ice Princess

you only see one side of me now you will see more, dont pity me when u read what i post i will be ok


View All Comments

vetyp619 Report | 06/14/2024 9:51 pm
I'll never stop coming back. It's just a break between visits.
Natsumi Fuyuka Report | 06/05/2018 3:03 pm
I'd prefer not to be deleted during your friend purge, please.

~ Natsu gaia_star
bunbun rayder Report | 05/11/2018 9:01 am
have u talked to chu?....
Xaiyou Kageryuu Report | 05/01/2018 2:44 pm
who is this?
Royal_Hybrid_Goddess Report | 03/29/2018 6:49 pm
Yeah I'm fine
Chevalier Du Ciel Report | 03/26/2018 11:01 pm
Oh hey.
vetyp619 Report | 06/05/2017 8:43 pm
I'm well!! I barely come here anymore though >.<
Lunaka Dragon Report | 05/23/2017 7:57 am
I don't know who Riku is. >.<
Lunaka Dragon Report | 05/23/2017 7:47 am
If you mean Ruri, she is a friend of mine I haven't talked to in a long time >.< after a certain point of me and someone not talking I tend to delete them, my lady.
Lunaka Dragon Report | 05/23/2017 7:03 am
Hello my lady


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