A blurb about me?
Hello! My name is Rem wheeI'm 27, Favorite colors are baby blue, lime green, lavender, and periwinkle.
3nodding My favorite soda is Pepsi, and grape soda. I'm also very Canadian 3nodding
Gaia Online used to be a very large part of my childhood, I had my own group of friends and what not, but had to quit out of it for a while and lost my old account, therefore losing all those old friends I had, so I made a new account, here i am!
My old Account :
Hinata1596 or Halfmoon_killer
So, a little more about me. I love Doctor Who, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and all sorts of neat Sci-fi/Fantasy tv-shows, and movies. smile
I'm a HUGE Anime/Manga buff too razz I love comic books, although I am not a to the core comic nerd or anything. Also, my PS4 is a pretty huge part in my life razz Sooo, if you have any interest in anything that I've just listed, and want to shoot me a message but dont know what to say, say something along those lines!
I'm ALWAYS down for more friends no matter your fandom razz Or anything else for that matter. whee Please feel free to add me even if we've never talked.
Thanks for your time! Hope to talk to you later 3nodding
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