Hi> My name is Jeff.I'm...no too much of a people person. It's not that I can't be social. I'm just more relaxed when I don't have to deal with a lot of people.
I've spent the last 4 years of my liffe at a military academy and I'm finally out.
Music is my life. I played for a band for a few years, and we opened at a few local shows in ATL, including shows for the bands Modest Mouse and the Strokes.
Music is an art, but I think to show your full self, you need to use different means. Thats why I do a lot of drawing. I hope you all Like some of my stuff.
I am an English Lit. and Communications major in college. Im hoping to work for the rolling stones mag. one day.
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i'll tell u in pms then...
well its not that bad just a 5 yr diffrence... if my parents were kids...it would be a 7-8th grader going out with a 1st grader! HA!
Well its not bad...its embarrassiiiinnngg!!! >.<