

Melancholic Delusion's avatar


On forever semi-hiatus
Name: (Ask me, I'll most probably tell you)
Age: Older than you
Status: Married

Whatever else you want to know, feel free to leave a direct message or a comment. I love long and random conversations.

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"I have spread my dreams under your feet,
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."
William Butler Yeats

I really hate you, B.


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Ab Alexis Report | 10/04/2024 8:46 pm
Ab Alexis
money is always necessary it's horrible
but that's how the world works
Ab Alexis Report | 09/28/2024 2:57 pm
Ab Alexis
hahaha blame facebook rofl
but work equals money xp
Ab Alexis Report | 09/27/2024 2:00 pm
Ab Alexis
You are 10 years older than me emotion_awesome jk
I hope all is well in your work pirate
Ab Alexis Report | 09/14/2024 4:57 pm
Ab Alexis
older woman lol jk rofl
and how are you?
Ab Alexis Report | 09/07/2024 4:33 pm
Ab Alexis
Hahaha we are already old rofl
It's time to work and live life like a work slave rofl rofl rofl

Ab Alexis Report | 09/05/2024 6:10 pm
Ab Alexis
It's sad to see how Gaia died rofl
But life goes on and adult life requires responsibility. crying
Ab Alexis Report | 09/04/2024 5:11 pm
Ab Alexis
I am already poor crying
not played for a long time mrgreen
and you have expensive items devil tail // omg rofl
Ab Alexis Report | 08/31/2024 9:53 am
Ab Alexis
you have rich avi gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiaplat
Ab Alexis Report | 08/31/2024 9:51 am
Ab Alexis
and gaia is still alive or dead?
I only enter Gaia sometimes rofl
Ab Alexis Report | 08/27/2024 10:06 am
Ab Alexis
lololol sorry xd
I don't have children and I don't want them. neutral
Life is too difficult to think about children rofl
Be careful, the train is passing you by xd xd jk

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