By the way my avi and I are girls. emotion_yatta [/size:03e2622bda]
[img:03e2622bda][/img:03e2622bda][img:03e2622bda][/img:03e2622bda] mrgreen
things people say to me
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I clicked it and it said down for maintenance check back later T^T
I just checked sadly sad
Sure :3 If you are till online lol smile
Art colleges are the best :3 I also went to one based around art courses <3 So it was lovely! <3
and I have been okay, I have asthma now and have some sort of lump in my lung, the doctors aren't sure yet if it's just because of my asthma or what? But OH WELL biggrin xD
I won't worry about it until I get worse :3
I am just happy to hear from you! <3 I miss you! sad
How is the college life treating you? Everything going good? smile