i did some thinking last night and i relized what you meanty when u said this:
if you laugh...i laugh
if u cry...i cry
if u jump off a cliff...i jump too
I realized how much that i lkove you and no one can take that away from me...i will NEVER meet aanyone as great as u, i think that i am hoping u will realize how much pain i am in not being around you. Did u know that it take SO much energy to paint a big smile on my face, to hide my broken heart? I want to be with my one true Bella and if i can't be with her than i don't know what to do. Over break, after we broke up, i was about a knife away from going emo, i had the perfect knife and everything, but i then relized that if i do this, then it will just be an un-breakable habit. So i didn't. When u stayed with alice and i heard that u already went home, i started crying...i NEED you to relize that i am not complete without you. Your the love of my life, the highlight of my day...i am running out of energy from smiling everyday and i need you to know that when i stop, that you know the WHOLE reason behind it and i just love u with all my heart...i have NEVER loved inything as much as i love u, oh and by the way, i am gonna go buy a shirt so i don't catch a cold.
Shelbys responce-
Will, i dont think this feeling has gone away. This right here is still the same i can see it. I can hear it in the way you say my name or give me hug. Why do you still feel this way? Will that happend because i did like you a lot. But you were to much to handle and all our friends. I care about you an our friends. I love being there for you, and i also love being your friend. Im sorry for what happen between us.
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if you laugh...i laugh
if u cry...i cry
if u jump off a cliff...i jump too
I realized how much that i lkove you and no one can take that away from me...i will NEVER meet aanyone as great as u, i think that i am hoping u will realize how much pain i am in not being around you. Did u know that it take SO much energy to paint a big smile on my face, to hide my broken heart? I want to be with my one true Bella and if i can't be with her than i don't know what to do. Over break, after we broke up, i was about a knife away from going emo, i had the perfect knife and everything, but i then relized that if i do this, then it will just be an un-breakable habit. So i didn't. When u stayed with alice and i heard that u already went home, i started crying...i NEED you to relize that i am not complete without you. Your the love of my life, the highlight of my day...i am running out of energy from smiling everyday and i need you to know that when i stop, that you know the WHOLE reason behind it and i just love u with all my heart...i have NEVER loved inything as much as i love u, oh and by the way, i am gonna go buy a shirt so i don't catch a cold.
Shelbys responce-
Will, i dont think this feeling has gone away. This right here is still the same i can see it. I can hear it in the way you say my name or give me hug. Why do you still feel this way? Will that happend because i did like you a lot. But you were to much to handle and all our friends. I care about you an our friends. I love being there for you, and i also love being your friend. Im sorry for what happen between us.