About me / Donators / Tweety
I'm Mandy, I'm 15 years old, and I think almost everything is cute
4laugh .
I live in the Netherlands, which is awesome but the language sucks
razz way to many grammar rules and exceptions-_-
I have two awesome cats, Tijger and Mia.
Tijger is sorta my favorit
sweatdrop but don't tell Mia
wink I also had another cat , Dipsie and a Bunny, Pika.
Dipsie died in 2006
crying He'll always be my most favorit cat
heart ..
Idk if Pika is still alive, cuz I gave her to someone who could give her the attention she needed.
beside my pets I also have a mom and dad of course
xp and a brother but he is never home
rolleyes As you can see on my pro.. I have the most amazing boyfriend ever ^^
I love him so much
3nodding He is the sweetest and always makes me blush
redface 4laugh There is only one thing that bothers me.. and that is the distance..
and I'm not talking about the other side of the Netherlands but the other side of the world
sad ..
it really sucks, I don't like to think about that, but I won't give up
smile I'll give everything up for him ^^
He means everything to me
heart heart heart heart heart ---------------------
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Oh, I'm better than most people in life. rofl
Een staryak en hij is echt paars dik en schattig :3
Ik heb net in 1x een Melodee gevangen ;D
Ik heb net Little Lucie gekocht, echt awesome item<3