Hola! My name is Koby and I am the loner emo kid at my school. I sound American but really my accent is a mix of British, Southern and American. Abortion is wrong. "It's like magic. It makes babies disappear." Murder is a sin and abortion is basically murdering an unborn child. You Christians who think abortion is right sicken me. You can totally tell I'm not Atheist. Anyway, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes, though I really wanna dye my hair black with red and blonde tips. So that's me. Enjoy it.l 10% energetic
ll 20% athletic
lll 30% sane
llll 40% nice
lllll 50% dead
llllll 60% smart
lllllll 70% poetic
llllllll 80% artistic
lllllllll 90% gamer
llllllllll 100% me
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