Hello, I'm Lykiya, but you can call me Lyk for short, I'm not really fussed either way. My best friend in the whole entire world is
Mallori_Cantare, I love her with all my brains!
emotion_bigheart I'm easy to get along with but have a tendency to be sarcastic, but only a little bit
cat_razz I might be shy at first but I'll come around, don't worry. I'm here to have fun and meet new people, so don't be afraid to talk to me, I wont bite, much
cat_biggrin Anyway, don't worry about corrupting me or anything because I've had many years of dealing with my friends, I'm long past corrupted. Thanks guys!
cat_stressed But yeah, I don't accept random friend requests, I have to get to know you a little bit before hand, but when we're friends I'm always open to a friendly pm or a fun time out on the town
cat_wink I love zombies, skulls and weird gross things
cat_mrgreen cat_pirate I love to draw but I'm not as good as other people, and I only draw real objects as well as swords, staffs and any other type of weapon you can think of (though I do have the habit to draw a few skulls). I plan on drawing my own designs and putting them on shirts, not for profit but for fun. Hope to see you around if the zombies don't get you!
cat_surprised P.S. I wont forgive you if you hurt any of my friends.
cat_scream P.P.S. I Did it! I got my dream avi
cat_biggrin but I've started a new project. This is the newest avi I want to complete and I know it's to be as fun and as stressful as the last. Hope you come to love what I came up with!
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