Hey I'm Olivia Via for short, and welcome to my page!Let me tell you a little bit about me:
Hair: brown and long
Eyes: Hazel
Favorite bands: heart Green Day heart My Chemical Romance heart
Favorite Movie: Saw
Favorite Food: Strawberries
Favorite Animals: Dogs, Horses, Cat's, and Wolfs
Favorite Actor: David Spade
Most Hated Singer: Justin Timberlake
Most Hated Celebrity: Paris Hilton (hope you choke on a chicken bone!)
Favorite Color: Black
Pets: dog, two cats
Siblings: 0
Parents: TTLY WEIRD!
Favorite Class: Math
Least Favorite Class: Gym
Special Abbilities: Drawing, Singing, and Sewing
Interests: Vampires, Goth, Art, Music
Favorite Store: Hot Topic!
Best Concert I've Been/ Going to: My Chemical Romance
Favorite Piece of Art I've Drawn: Portrait of Gerard Way heart
Fears: Broken heart, heights, clowns (they r very fuked up), rich snobby assholes (like the ones at my school), and fires
If anyone has a problem with any of my intersts or wut not then just so you know i dont give a ********!
THERE"S MORE AT THE BOTTOM! no really there is!
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