hello fellow Earthlings! =)i am LunaLight_7_13, my name has spainish and english in it because i love mixing lanuages in sentences or phrases XD
and as u can tell i am horrible at spleeling XD
i like to read fiction books, LUV mange, i like mostly all types of movies and bands
so if u can reconmend a band i would love to hear it!
i am in band, clarinet, whoose name is also LunaLight . . .
i'm in karate, black belt, and i love it!!!
i'm acually pretty random, so i do random things, a lot
and . . . .
i have a cat!, 3 acually and 4 kittenz and i luv them all!
well, i guess that's it . . . thxs for acually reading this, u must of been REALLY bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD X3 and XP to u
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ty, I'm rping in slots