I'm Taylor Im a nice, beautiful person, a great body, smart(sometimes),weird,and a spazz lol and im completely random all the time(o look its a smiling whale lol lol), and i have big pretty blue eyes.I am part english,french,germen,dutch,czech, and of course american=P.I have a lot of friends in real life but in Gaia i barly have any LOL... My sister has more money than me on gaia(That is really sad)her name is white_tiger_lover564.I love music but I dont like rap it sucks.I love animals. I really love to sing.I am really good at singing but Im not good dancing.My Favorite colors r black and white and most of all red. istarrynite is my rich cousin.She is awsome and Im awsomer than her not! lol.I dont play any sports anymore.Im an artist.I have a watch collection(I know its weird but i really like watches.)I like stories that r about murder and blood etc... lol.I get hyper every day so its very fun to hang out with me, the reason i get hyper every day cuz i eat alot of candy with alot of suger lol lol lol.I do have a cellphone but i dont give my number to crazy stalker people lol. These are my dream avitars(I have a lot of dream avitars lol. All of my Dream Avitars express my personality. =) )

What colour is your heart?My Results:

Your heart is RED! You believe that true love does exist, that everyone deserves a second chance. You have high self esteem like no other, and you see yourself as an abstract person - meaning you believe anything can happen if you believe in it.
action=go_detail&sub_action=take&obj_id=98916]What animal spirit guides you?
My Results:

The Wolf spirit. The wolf spirit is very brave and dependent on others, it can survive on it's own, but enjoys the company of others. The wolf spirit guides you.
What Anime girl are you?My Results:

Gothic girl You're dark, sad, and moody. You wear black a lot. You don't like going to things that involve happiness. And you hate cheerleaders.
Are you Neko, Elf, Angel, Demon or something else?My Results:

Demon You're a demon
Bad tempered and an attitude to go with it. You'll kill anything that gets in your way ( you eat babies too!)
What is your personality?My Results:

Fasionista Congrats! You are a fashionista! Your very fasionable and you win best dressed every year. You can design and make your own clothes whenever you want and people are asking you for tips on looking good. You should start your own clothes line. Enjoy be fashionable even when you get old
Are you a dumb blonde?My Results:

Smart Blonde you are a smart blonde. Your very rare, smart, and you've probably NEVER tried to drownd a fish. You have a good future ahead of you.
What Chaos Emerald are you?My Results:

Red You are the Red Chaos Emerald! You Control Power!
Which Zodiac Sign should you Avoid?My Results:

Sagittarius True, the Sagittarius is very Easy going, but they are WAY too easy-going. Their behavior will completely shock you. Even though they are very outgoing they can be incredibly offensive and shameful. You won’t believe there childish manners! They are so immature and irresponsible. You can never trust them to get anything done. They can be the biggest hypocrites. If you hang around them expect to get into a lot of trouble. That’s what they are TROUBLE. Don’t be hanging around these irresponsible rule breakers. Getting involved with a Sagittarius is asking for disaster to strike.
Better Options are: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, or Capricorn
What love song are you ??????My Results:

Love Song Of course you have to have a slow song love song this is well about how a girl loves this guy but knows that she cant be with him but yet she still loves him
What is your personality?My Results:

Congrats you have a great personality! Everybody loves you and you have many friends. Your kind to everyone you meet and you also like meeting new people. You don't really care about your appearance. and you never get into fights. You have a great sense of humor
What kind of animal are you?My Results:

You are a Dog!
You are intelligent, friendly, outgoing, You like both night and day and you love being the center of attention!
What scent are you?My Results:
Cookies Warm fresh baked scent, like you just came from the oven.
Are You A Girly Girl Or A Tomboy?My Results:
In The Girly Girl Zone You are a sophisticated girly girl who does your friends nails at a slumber party and flirts with guys and hates when they get their clothes dirty.
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