Love Slowly Kills Us

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Last Login: 12/03/2012 3:49 am

Birthday: 08/13


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Howdy hey. (:
I'm 14 years of age. I'm a Leo. OH, and the name's Kennedy.[:
I'm a vegetarian<3
I'm a frosh volleyball player, and I love you(;



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xXHobnocker-HaterXx 's Thoughts

Get inside my mind!


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That Damn Trancy Brat Report | 06/16/2011 7:48 pm
That Damn Trancy Brat
hahaha. So do I. smile
Demonic Shinobi Sensei Report | 06/16/2011 4:41 pm
Demonic Shinobi Sensei
Enjoy the Purchase! biggrin
PinjaAttack Report | 01/01/2011 7:38 pm
helloo, (:
how was new years eve?
That Damn Trancy Brat Report | 12/26/2010 9:30 pm
That Damn Trancy Brat
Yeah totally. Let me just dust off my wallet a little bit.
Terra Hewley Report | 12/26/2010 5:47 pm
Terra Hewley
It's alright. If you don't want it when the time is up, I'll try to cancel it, k? So no worries! But thank you for letting me know heart
PinjaAttack Report | 10/09/2010 6:19 pm
YO! how are you, ? (:
-ll Magic Beans ll- Report | 10/01/2010 7:33 pm
-ll Magic Beans ll-
"they pushed her"

Carmen Winstead

was pushed

down a sewer opening

by 5 girls in her school,

trying to

embarrass her

in front of

her school

during a fire drill.

When she didn't submerge

the police were called.

They went down

and brought up

17 year old

Carmen Winstead's


her neck broken from

hitting the ladder,

and then the

side concrete at the bottom.

The girls told everyone she fell...

They believed them.


2 months ago,

16 year old

David Gregory

didn't repost it.

When he went to

take a shower he heard


from his shower,

he started freaking out

and ran to his computer

to repost it.

He said goodnight

to his mom

and went to sleep.

5 hours later

his mom woke up

in the middle of the night

cause of a loud noise.

and his face skin peeled off.

Even google her name- you'll find this to be true

If you don't repost this saying

"they pushed her"

Then Carmen will get you,

either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower,

or when you go to sleep you'll wake up in the sewer,

in the dark, then Carmen will come for you

send this to 10 people no send backs by midnight tonight or cameron will come for you

David was gone.

That morning

a few hours later

the police found him in the

ItsCastiel_ Report | 08/11/2010 1:41 pm
Shipsi Report | 06/12/2010 7:03 pm
i will, if i see anything in your store...maybe.
iMs B u b b l e s Report | 03/11/2010 12:28 am
iMs B u b b l e s
My cat is a Cheez-it Maniac,
He goes crazy if I don't give any.
He starts to scratch my leg,
and meow constantly till I give him a cheez-it.
Then he'd run away and eat it.


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Hit me up.
Donations would be lovely.
Stay shibby(;


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