Dr. Horrible is Awesome


LouisdePointduLack's avatar

Registered: 01/09/2008


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Pixieish Report | 12/17/2012 10:09 pm
*randomly admires the pretty boy* <3
Fallen Angel Rira Report | 07/11/2012 7:45 pm
Fallen Angel Rira
Thanks for the purchase!!!
Sarai Mulcahy Report | 04/08/2012 5:56 pm
Sarai Mulcahy
^w^ Awesome.
Sarai Mulcahy Report | 04/08/2012 5:38 pm
Sarai Mulcahy
thank you for getting back to me, and for the well wishes. ^^ I'm sorry you can't join us
Sarai Mulcahy Report | 04/08/2012 4:54 pm
Sarai Mulcahy
Hello there, I don't know if you remember me, but you're in the M*A*S*H guild that I own. I haven't been on if quite some time. I have recently got back on and have started a M*A*S*H RP with two friends. I was wondering if you would be interested in joining us
Cumberbatch Report | 02/09/2012 7:18 pm
Im on the stupid Gaia app. Its messing up my messages, I guess. :c
Fraxinus Report | 09/24/2011 10:24 pm
I never liked the resident patient. The dancing men was good, and provided months of entertainment afterwards (as my friends tried to devise ciphers I couldn't crack), but it was so sad. :/
Fraxinus Report | 09/24/2011 3:22 am
I really enjoy the case of Charles Augustus Milverton... but there are so many others I love, too. If I had to pick a favorite, though, I'd probably pick either the Cardboard Box or the Retired Colourman. Those were both really good and macabre. I like it when the mystery's just a little bit sick.
Painless Pleasure Report | 09/21/2011 5:48 pm
Painless Pleasure
Awww ;////;
Fraxinus Report | 09/21/2011 4:22 pm
The webcomic "Hark! A Vagrant" made a comic about it. It was hilarious. Fat Watson isn't even funny. he just makes me kind of sad. Martin Freeman is excellent. I like him as much as I liked David Burke from the 1980's version by Granada.



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