-Lord slim-

Lord slim's avatar

Last Login: 01/07/2016 3:28 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/25


NAME: Shaun,
BIRTHDAY: 25th October,
HIGHET: 5'5,
HAIR COLOUR: Dark Brown,
COUNTRY: United Kingdom,


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-I-Yuusa-I- Report | 11/03/2015 4:26 pm
Thank you very much!
Im very flattered <3

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-I-Yuusa-I- Report | 11/03/2015 4:07 pm
Thanks for the random friend request!
Any reason for it though?

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Phediko Report | 09/21/2013 12:25 am
If your on when im not,
Happy Early Birthday heart
Really early..
But yeah, Just wanted to make sure you saw this before then
Imperfection XD Report | 08/01/2013 3:34 am
Imperfection XD
Happy very late burthday Shaun :3
OriginalMee1029 Report | 03/21/2013 8:26 pm
Thanks and did that already lol
OriginalMee1029 Report | 03/20/2013 10:35 am
Awe I'm sorry to hear that.. sad Hope they get better. Life has been going okay. Got a new boyfriend and just been chilling.. It's spring break right now so I been sitting around basically all day bored.
OriginalMee1029 Report | 03/18/2013 4:08 pm
Doing pretty good thanks smile Been awhile sense we talked so I thought maybe I would just check in and see about how you were . So how's life for ya ?
OriginalMee1029 Report | 03/17/2013 12:12 pm
Howdy smile How are ya ?
OriginalMee1029 Report | 01/28/2013 9:00 am
thanks so much. Really means a lot. smile that helped me breath some and it lightened up my stress by a ton. mrgreen
OriginalMee1029 Report | 01/28/2013 8:42 am
Im just really out of it right now. Boyfriend left and he won't be back for 3 years. It just hurts because we were so close and we been through basically everything. Cheating , arguments, breakups, you name it. Been dating for almost 9 months and then he has to up and leave. He just like really touched my life and then now he is gone. I mean really. I love him with all my heart and I miss him like crazy. Friday was the last time I got to see him and he left yesterday at 10am. I wish I could have went with him but I couldn't. The military really took my heart away and now I have a feeling that something is going to either happen to him , me , or our relationship and I don't want to let that go. He said he doesn't either but I am so lost. Do you think that it is best to stay together or call off the relationship until he comes back ? I just really want to do what's right.. crying crying heart and sorry for putting this all on you... just needed someone to talk to crying


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