well i
heart anime/manga so if i dont get back 2 u, im not ignoring u, im watchen anime r readen manga...

Total Value: 1,175,576 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Kottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd GenLyndexer's JournalLyndexer's JournalLyndexer's JournalOR

Total Value: 609,046 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Atrum EggVoracious FogBrown And Black Reversible BraceletsKottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd GenKottan Bell 2nd Gen-----------------------------------
some random pics:

idk bout u guys but i think i got carried away with da pics...o well i spent 5 hours on em and...well idk...ill continue...i guess? o and if u hadent noticed so far...i cuss a ton...
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ok the end =3 ... mab
Total Value: 254,720 Gold, 10,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
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