Lord Hideyoshi Ambrjrk

Lord Hideyoshi Ambrjrk's avatar

Last Login: 10/07/2016 1:57 am

Registered: 07/23/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/24


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K-laaaXlove on 01/19/2021
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Pokemon Black FC: 0604 9488 0709
2DS FC: 2638 - 1404 - 2423



Hello! Thank you for visiting my profile. Enjoy your stay!

Dream Avatars

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 8,725,361 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Scar of the Warrior
Ancient Katana
Furugasa 2nd Gen.
Warm Starter Ninja Shirt
Warm Starter Ninja Mask
Scar of Hero
SDPlus #215 The King
Red Green Dragon Torso Tattoo
Prince of Thieves
Gogh Reed 4th Gen.
Hand Wraps
Sumi Tribe
Reve Rouille 3rd Gen.
Reve Rouille 2nd Gen.
Reve Rouille 3rd Gen.
Reve Rouille 2nd Gen.
Reve Rouille 3rd Gen.
Reve Rouille 3rd Gen.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 8,545,098 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gogh Reed
Nano-C 7th Gen
Imaginary Friend 9th Gen
Nano-C 7th Gen
Ancient Katana
G-Team Ranger Black Bodysuit
Nano-C 5th Gen
Scar of Hero
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Assassin's Guise
Anima Adamantea 8th Gen.
Nano-C 5th Gen
Anima Adamantea 5th Gen.
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Total Value: 5,787,336 Gold, 6,900 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
SDPlus #207 Meili
Sad Pig Boy
Black Wulf Muzzle
White Tribal Torso Tattoo
Hand Wraps
Achromatic Apocaripped Scarf
White Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
White Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Blade's White Belt
White Tribal Head Tattoo
Dark Elf Black Leather Pants
Gun-Eye Gatling
Bad Moon 4th Gen.
Scar of Tyrant
Scar of the Warrior

#FFFFFF Complex Shirt M
Bakeneko Whiskers
Tuxedo Bakeneko Top

Tuxedo Bakeneko Facepaint

Black Wolf
Black Wolf
Black Wolf
Wild West Holster

Bullet Belts
Yorick's Curse