
Good day everyone,

Welcome to my account and it's a pleasure to meet you. I highly recommend you add me cause I'm pretty cool to get to know. I'll be here for friends but don't get on gaia as much as I use to which use to be like everyday. I'm a junior in highschool so 17 if your wondering or curious. Don't bother asking me out or anything cause I don't date online. I wish to stay single until I find someone in real life, not really a point when you can't ever see the person or really feel their touch.

Sex: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight:125 pounds
Relationship status: Single(Not looking)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Politics: Hate them
Location: Not under your bed (lol)

I'm German but live in America

I love to draw, write, play videos games, hang out, be lazy, read, hang out with friends from time to time and enjoy life when it isn't s**t.

Enough details if you wish to know something please feel free to ask. I do enjoy anime though and roleplay I guess if need be.
I have an Xbox Live account but won't add people unless I really know them.

But besides all of that I hope you enjoy my account and have a pleasant day.
My roleplay character is as follows:
User Image
Code Name: Agent Ver
Name: Shae
Height: 6'0
Weight: 132 pounds
Info/Background: A young girl was born off of another planet known as Terico where the people are known for there weapons tech and aggressive nature. Shae is a secret agent sent to Earth to survey the people's culture but most of all army and weapon advancements. She has short black hair and a limber torso, her light build gives her many advantages in combact but most of all shes very good with guns. One of her arms was made into a gun itself which is her primary weapon choice known as a Plasma Grenade Launcher. When on Earth she takes on a human like form where her armor and guns are hidden by a human body. In her human form, she is easily awed at by many who meet her due to her light blue eyes, flawless skin and easy-going nature. When she changes her eyes are change from just blue to both blue and red. She hides her blue eye by an patch which gives her a hint of mystery. What will happen to her?
The roleplayer:
User Image
User Image


Viewing 12 of 368 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

alas sala 2

Report | 05/07/2011 5:10 pm

alas sala 2

Holy s**t your back! *hugs*

Report | 05/07/2011 5:02 pm


O.O but you are? biggrin

Report | 05/06/2011 10:26 pm


i hate it when pretty gurls say thur not perty >:O . . ':B

Report | 05/06/2011 10:25 pm


i hate it when pretty gurls say thur not perty >:O . . ':B

Report | 05/05/2011 2:23 pm


is it cuz yewr on it >O>???? :'D

Report | 05/03/2011 2:50 pm


sup mah negro :0 hows your couch biggrin ?
Midnight Possession

Report | 04/21/2011 5:12 pm

Midnight Possession

:O u emo?
Mr iRawrCookies

Report | 04/04/2011 5:00 pm

Mr iRawrCookies

Bump For Gold!?

Sorry I Shall Now

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Report | 02/25/2011 4:03 am


Love you're hair!! biggrin

Report | 02/16/2011 5:09 pm


Cute avatar.


User Image
anyone wanna help?