things about me c:

Hurloo ! Mai names Maren . Please donate qold for mai new username? c: If yew wannah noe about me, PM me ! For now , I'll qive basic facts (: !
Status? Sinqle, Be mai quy ? (: .
Name? Maren .
Nickname? MarMar (:
Aqe? 1_ . Find out yourself !
I blow the candles out on February 8th .
I dislike haters, scammers & wannabes .
I like to hanq out with my friendss, family & others !
I'm a VERY lovable person .
Wannah be friends? , Add me . (:
Peeeace ! heart

- I've quit.
You'll probably never seen me on here again (;
Mkay, goodbye bitches,.
Lmfao Alexa

My dream avi has not been achieved.. I guess it never will be. But I tend to keep this idea for a dream avi to MYSELF. Under no circumstances should anyone else be taking it & using it for their own good & pleasure for their avi. Thank you (;