Well hiya!My name's Adriana, but call me Ana. Or Angelic. Either works. :3
Actress, singer, writer, meteorology tutor, Science Olympian, Gleek, trumpeter, nerdy boy lover, role player, fashion designer, student, horoscope checker, people drawer, French learner, iPod listener, book reader, Twitter user, and slight comedian. And still young. :3
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Emo doesn't mean your suicidal. Emo is real. Emo is people. Emo is everything. Emo is a label. Emo is being free. Free to be you. Free to express. Free to tell everyone to f*** off!! Emo is just a word .-EMOS- *Are not cry babies *Do not always wear black *Can be very nice people *Don't always cut themselves *Are not always depressed *Can be happy too *Are normal people just like you (Put this on your profile if you agree with this.) -----------PUT THIS ON UR PAGE IF YOU ARE OR SUPPORT EMOS!!
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