Lets see I'm 14 with black hair on the top and red hair on the bottom, I have grey eyes that sometimes look either blue or green. I have a nasty short temper but I easily forgive, I'm very sarcastic and have a swearing problem. I have some of the highest grades in the school. I love reading and writting, poetry is a way to express some emotions Ive been botteling up. Of course I love anime. I love all animals and would do anything defend or save them, I'm not a homophobe, nor am I a racist I accept peoples for who they are and what they look like. If you wanna no anything just look at the interrest tags or meesage me!!=P ^^
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it's a mystery, maybe theres secretly little tiny grasshoppers in them...or
mabye, just maybe the nine letter word..CHOCOLATE
what's in a wonder baaaall!
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more money, and now i regret it. lol. THE STINGRAY PLAYS THE XYLOPHONE WITH HIS ANTLERS!
im just trying to earn enough to get elemental wings, and ocula mythica....it'll probably take awhile to
earn that much though, cuz they're really expensive....
was a way u could make money like super fast!