Yeah things'll be ok i believe. I've been scared that i might lose my job since theres sooooo many others around the country losing jobs left and right. If i was to lose my job... i dont even wanna think bout it. And finding a job would be difficult here too. Unless i wanted to go work at a crappy job like mcdonalds. >.< No thanx lol i luv my pizza hut job. 3nodding But i kno i cant really work there forever. Just til i get closer to getting my career in place. if thatll even happen. *sigh*
I kno! Thats actually how much i spent. 600 dollars. Thats alot of money to make up for. Yet with school, i cant really work that many hours to make it. it sux. >.< And to think im wanting to buy a new car when i cant even afford the one i have. sweatdrop Oh wellz. =]
Aww thanks! =D I kno! im hoping for the best too. He can be amazing for sure. x3 lol
My birthday was pretty amazing. ^^ I'm so happy about it. lol
And thats cool. We all have our perks and such. xD I just got my car fixed. (oil change, all 4 tires changed, front brakes replaced) It cost alot but i needed all of that done.. And to think i only went in there for an oil change and ended up walking out with all that stuff done. >.< lol
out of the light arises the darkness...
^_^ i luff them mucho >.< Donators: Kiroshi Hikurami, Anchietae
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My birthday was pretty amazing. ^^ I'm so happy about it. lol
And thats cool. We all have our perks and such. xD I just got my car fixed. (oil change, all 4 tires changed, front brakes replaced) It cost alot but i needed all of that done.. And to think i only went in there for an oil change and ended up walking out with all that stuff done. >.< lol