
My DeviantART : http://lyndez.deviantart.com/
My Tumblr: http://www.lyndez.tumblr.com
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/leylyndez
Last Login: 11/14/2015 10:37 pm
Registered: 05/04/2008
Gender: Female
Location: Belmont, North Carolina
Birthday: 09/19/1993
Occupation: Student
This journal will consist of pointless ramblings :B
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btw how are you doing?
I love it so much. You made my very hott tirying day happy and awesome!!
I love you!!! <33333333333
I've never watched the cartoon but the movie looks epic. ^^
Have fun..I know you will cause you love that thing. ^^
What she say?
You should spend the night tomorrow night so that its just us. Jer comes on Sat at 8am @_@
I has 700k, I can pay for anything!! MUAHAHAAH
...is there any way you could spend the night with me this week...?
I understand if not I remeber what you told me bout what your mom said. :/
...speaking of my avi of course..