Welcome! I'm Left Bird, your feathery fellow Gaian, coder, profile designer, and Zomg Shallow-Seas runner, but call me Leeayre. Unfortunately, I'm moving off this site. As much fun as it's been, it just feels over now. Profiles...If you want to use one of my profiles, you're welcome to use, edit, or alter my Free profiles, so long as you don't strip credits from the code, upload them to profile distribution sites (tektek, gaiatools, etc) without permission, or claim them as your own. Goodbye, Gaia!
Dream Avis Achieved:
Total: 1,328,306g . Total: 862,000 . Total: 1,466,600g
Total: 1,621,000g . Total: 3,244,000g . Total: 15,700,000g
Total: 20,275,665g . Total: 2,012,306g . Total: 1,710,600g
Total: 7,610,000g Total: 2,180,898g
More Dream Avis:
Q: Do you run a profile shop?
A: No, I don't. I used to help with one, but that's closed, and at this point I have no interest in joining another. You can't buy profiles from me, sorry!
Q: Can you code a layout for me?
A: Yes, if you can make your own layout, by all means, I will code it for you (Classic profiles only). I run about 100k per coding, 150k for special sections, 200+ for animations. Alternatively, you might check out Geek Gal (see link on right) who might be cheaper. (she always seems to be super busy though)
Q: Can you change (insert some profile feature) for me?
A: Yes, if you bought a profile from Wild Wishes, defifnitely yes. And even if you didn't, yes, if you ask nicely, and depending on what it is. If I'm not available, the Profile Discussion Forum can probably help you.
Q: Will you teach me how to make profiles?
A: No. Why? It takes too long. If you need help, check out one of the many guides in the Profile Discussion Forum. I'm happy to answer questions, but I'm not going to revisit my entire Web Development class series for you.
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