Hi! you are amazing! you are reading this, you've stumbled upon my profile, how fortunate, I'd like to meet you. So here meet me`I'm LawliUchiha
`I write.
`I have a best friend.
`I have fun hanging with friends
`i'm 16
`I love anime and to cosplay from it^^
`I hate it when people call themselves fat.
`i'm a girl
`I have 2779 songs on my ipod.
`I'm Into DIY and Halloween
`I like to meet new people.
`I like to be called cute.
`I Do not like to be called crazy.
`I'm me.

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heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
You're still really young.
Well, I'm glad you got one.
Hopefully he makes you happy.
OOh, that's cool.
I'm sure I'll be able to drive by they time. Perhaps. >>