Hola pplz my name is Eric, but u can call me whatevr you want. On my old gaia profile I had someone who insisted on cutiepantihose. I don't know why, but they just did. It was kinda creepy cuz they were stalking me. That's why I have this new one. I hope she hasn't found me again.Anyways, I should stop rambling on. Look around make yourselves feel at home, even if it's a cardboard box like mine (not really, only on Gaia).
Please feel free to donate to my dream avi(s). Either one. Or money, cash and credit cards are accepted too.

Total Value: 80,835 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue Flame Pants
Cool Starter Sandals
Blue Tribal Torso Tattoo
Blue Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Blue Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Blue Tribal Head Tattoo
Blue Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Elemental Wings
Western Zodiac

Total Value: 203,038 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Vampire Hunter Hat
Black Baseball Cleats
Black Aero-D Sneakers
Achromatic Apocaripped Pants
Dark Halo
Assassin's Guise

Total Value: 977,864 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mochi the Puppy
KiKi Kitty Plushie
MoMo the Monkey
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Gwee the Dragon
Cool Starter Polo
Brilliant Board Shorts
Oh, and just a few last words:
"Life is unexpected, Eat dessert first."
View All Comments
Solomon is in my Geo class.
Thanks, but it wasn't.
i just read yer profile thingy
i like teh new look
and name
who is you?
You never log on!
wierd status
Are you still annoyingly smart?