I love this Zombie skin, i seriously want to keep it forever. Have you read "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"? Thats what Im going for on my avatar wink
"There are many different paths but they all go to the same place" - - Yes thats what I meant! ^_^ Do Bahai's generally have that message?
And yeah I found that phone number..Man I hate phones :/
I put off making a 5 minute phone call to my credit card company to change my last name for 1 year - because I hate phones.
But I probably will call...crying
I come to ask if you read a book called "Between Two Worlds" by Roxana Saberi? She was a Journalist in Iran, and was imprisoned for Espionage.
I believe her family is Bahai, because she speaks out a lot about the how people in the Bahai faith are being targeted and imprisoned for trumped up charges in Iran.
I plan to look up and see if she has more books :3
Also - Bahai holy book is called the "Kitab-i-Aqdas" yes? Is that what we would call it in English too?
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click it..you'll love it!
"There are many different paths but they all go to the same place" - - Yes thats what I meant! ^_^ Do Bahai's generally have that message?
And yeah I found that phone number..Man I hate phones :/
I put off making a 5 minute phone call to my credit card company to change my last name for 1 year - because I hate phones.
But I probably will call... crying
BUT, does Bahai believe in 1 path to the same god?
This led me to think so: http://i43.tinypic.com/5kj536.jpg
I'm currently looking for a Bahai temple to visit and sit in on the service xD
I come to ask if you read a book called "Between Two Worlds" by Roxana Saberi? She was a Journalist in Iran, and was imprisoned for Espionage.
I believe her family is Bahai, because she speaks out a lot about the how people in the Bahai faith are being targeted and imprisoned for trumped up charges in Iran.
I plan to look up and see if she has more books :3
Also - Bahai holy book is called the "Kitab-i-Aqdas" yes? Is that what we would call it in English too?
Also, your signature picture creeps me out in ways no horror movie ever has xD