gaia_angelleftemotion_bigheart~RANDOMLY POPPING UP TO WISH YOU A BEAUTIFUL DAY~emotion_bigheartgaia_angelright gaia_angelleftyum_puddi~MAY ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS COME TRUE~yum_puddigaia_angelright
Ugh right? As someone who had to pull his photos from Gaia due to harassment, I know. You literally can't win. People will always find something to hate.
People suck. So yeah. That's why I understand too.
Yeah, always wanted to say hi, just took until now to do so because I wasn't sure if you would talk back or even like me haha.
You're welcome smile just thought I'd let you know that. I'm sure you hear it often, but still wanted to let you know smile
Right? Guys like that should lose the ability to enjoy themselves with women if you ask me lol.
And thanks, honestly, I get fired up when someone disrespects girls that way and I just have to act. It's not ok. I like defending girls against rude jerks smile
I've seen you around btw, you're quite beautiful and sweet smile
( ◡‿◡ ♡)♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ The life of this world is a deceiving enjoyment.
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gaia_angelleft yum_puddi ~ MAY ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS COME TRUE ~ yum_puddi gaia_angelright
Hahaha gotta be new for you, being called for eggy wink
I can't keep track on username changes sweatdrop
Thank you for purchasing.
Have a great day!
(good luck with the interview bb)
People suck. So yeah. That's why I understand too.
Yeah, always wanted to say hi, just took until now to do so because I wasn't sure if you would talk back or even like me haha.
You're welcome smile just thought I'd let you know that. I'm sure you hear it often, but still wanted to let you know smile
And thanks, honestly, I get fired up when someone disrespects girls that way and I just have to act. It's not ok. I like defending girls against rude jerks smile
I've seen you around btw, you're quite beautiful and sweet smile